Friday, October 17, 2008

Family Pops show

Cedric and Blake turned their full attention to the stage as the Family Pops program starts. This was Blake's first time seeing a show and Cedric's 2nd. The Anchorage Concert Choir did not dissapoint. There were "Cats"; "Oompa Loompa Doopide Do...."; "Lions and Tigers Bears...Oh My!"; Storm Troopers and a light saber battle; Enchanting songs of love; a King, Queen, Prince, and Princess; a mermaid that dropped down from the ceiling; and more. We all had a great time. You should have seen Cedric and Blake sit on the edge of their seats during the Storm Trooper entrance and light saber battle. They looked as pleased as any child who is finally allowed to watch a movie that is usually for older kids or adults. I loved seeing our friend perform a duet as a Jelico cat. Of course, that is one of my favorite musicals. And I have to say, the Mermaid songbird performed to the level of the best broadway plays. Fun fun fun and one of the best performances I have seen in a long time.

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