Saturday, October 27, 2007

Catch up post on Cedric

I'm going to play a little catch up here. These pictures are from the day before Cedric and his Pre-K classmates started Kindergarten. They all got their faces painted and rode rides until they were completely exhausted. At first Cedric was concerned because we didn't bring Blake. I told him this was a day for just Cedric and his friends. All the way up, Cedric was saying how he was going to miss having his brother at the fair. Of course, once we got there, Blake was forgotten and it was fun fun fun. Cedric with Spiderman face!
Two of Cedric's friends and their fun faces.
Here are some pictures from Cedric's first day of school. He was so excited to go that he marked off the days on a calendar for 60 days before Kindergarten started and he's still counting how many wonderfull days he's had in school. Cedric loves homework and even when he doesn't have homework, he practices his upper and lower case letters, numbers 1-100, and his spanish. I just hope his enthusiasim continues.
Here is Cedric playing basketball. This was Cedric's very first "game" a few weeks ago. It was just hysterical. Today he made a basket during the game and was oh so proud! I didn't get that on film, just in my minds eye. ;-)
Here is a picture from Cedric's first basketball practise. Looks pretty tough, huh?
Hmmm....not so tough in this one, but still dang cute. :-)

1 comment:

Tiffanie Hage said... update! :) Ashton is the same way with Ethan whenever he isn't around he feels like a lost soul!